When selecting a location, some practical considerations should include;
• the number of people anticipated to attend,
• is a sound system and podium required?
• is a projector available for the tribute video?
• if the venue allows food and/or alcohol if desired,
• if specific caterers must be used,
• if the venue is appropriate for the anticipated weather,
• and if the venue is something that the deceased would have liked and
Once more, it’s important to consider your budget when deciding on where to host the funeral reception. But other than that, your options are virtually limitless.
It may help to consider some places that were of significance to your loved one and their life. In a similar vein, it can help to think outside the box, as well.
For instance, were they a beloved elementary school teacher, who will always be remembered by students past and present? Ask the school where they taught at if they’d be willing to open up the cafeteria for an afternoon.